Andro 400 Product Review – Does It Work?

Andro 400 is a weight loss capsule which is to be taken daily and is supposed to help you lose belly fat naturally.

Amongst other ingredients, this product contains Eurycoma Longifolia which is a proven ingredient that could help in increasing the production of testosterone. This naturally occurring product has been in use since ancient times, it has been used in the liquid form and offers a number of wonderful health benefits. 

Eurycoma Longifolia is the only ingredient used in this weight loss capsule and therefore could be a product that does not come with too many risks and side effects. It would be interesting to understand more about the supplement and we are sure the information that is being shared here could throw some light.

What Is Andro 400

This is a dietary supplement which is natural and its main role is to increase testosterone; more testosterone leads to improved muscle mass and less of fat.

One tablet a day is enough to help reduce belly fat quite a bit. As mentioned earlier, the main ingredient is Eurycoma Longifolia which also works as a stress reliever apart from being able to increase testosterone levels both for women and men of various age groups.

Those below 40 years old are recommended Andro 400 and those who are above 40 are advised to take Andro 400 Max because of obvious reasons of heavier belly fat buildup. It will not only burn belly fat but also improve energy levels quite a bit. The product is also manufactured in a FDA inspected facility which goes to prove the credibility of the product and the way in which it is made.

Any Age Limit?

Though there is no mention about the use of this product by teenagers, it would be better for them to avoid it. It is basically a product that is recommended for men and women above the age 20.

However, the age limit has to be looked from the background that you are using a product that is fully natural and free from synthetic material. Hence you are using a testosterone that is obtained totally from natural sources.

Is It New?

This weight loss capsule has been around since 2004 and comes from a company with a proven identity who claim that it has come out with quite a few testosterone boosters. 

What Does The Product Claim

 According to the manufacturers, Andro 400 works basically as a testosterone booster. It is capable of melting body fat naturally in an efficient manner, could improve energy levels and could also improve your sex drive! The best thing is that all this is available in a single product and there are hardly any products in the market which can offer all these in a single capsule.

Finally there is no doubt that it could be considered as one of the best options as far as weight reduction and belly fat reduction is concerned.


It has been mentioned earlier and we repeat again that the capsule has only one ingredient Eurycoma Longifolia. This is certainly a powerful and secret compound and is an ingredient which is available in south east Asian countries.

It is considered to be very useful for various medical benefits and could be one of the best choices for diabetes, digestive issues, fever, malaria, and headache. It certainly will play a big role in enhancing and improving testosterone levels quite significantly.

The Benefits

The product comes with a number of benefits. We are happy to share a few of them for the benefit of our readers:

  • It improves energy and activity levels.
  • It will help improve sex drive.
  • It assists in weight loss that is natural.
  • It has a number of anti inflammatory properties.
  • It can help in reducing swelling and pain.
  • It can improve circulation.
  • It is rich in antioxidants which are essential and beneficial for weight loss.

Does Andro 400 Work?

If one goes through the various study reports, there are reasons to believe the product and its credibility. The ingredient Eurycoma Longifolia can help treat many health complications, it works more effectively in a liquid form and could be better when compared to capsules.

There is no doubt that it is a natural testosterone booster.

Side Effects?

The reviews of the product state that the product is very safe and almost totally free from side effects. This is because of the presence of natural ingredients and the absence of synthetic chemicals and drugs.

A few users have complained of insomnia, nausea and facial redness and if any of these symptoms are noticed, the products should be discontinued immediately.

Where To Buy

Andro 400 can be bought online after finding a reputable website.

Final Verdict

Since Eurycoma Longifolia is the only effective ingredient in this product and it comes with many health benefits. There are studies which have proved that it does improve testosterone levels in the body and so this could be perhaps one of the best choices for all those who wish to lose fat naturally and also improve muscle mass.